Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Wow. What a place. I'm not sure what to think. It's very small and definitely historic. I checked in to the hotel like 1.5 hours before the check-in time and while the guy didn't kick me out, I don't think he was thrilled. I have a map of this place and plan to go shopping later. There's a Target like a half hour from here which I'm sure will be my new best friend.

I drove through a TON of snow today. Never driven in snow so I can't say I was very enthusiastic. Need to check into the whole snow tire thing.

Due to the fact that it's such a small place, I'm not really sure where to start with housing. I did notice some apartment like structures in one area, so I guess tomorrow I'll drive around and see if I can spot phone numbers or doors to pound on. It's cold though! I might want to buy some shoes first. There is skiing nearby for those interested in visiting here. Rafting too I believe. Oh, and get this - as I was checking in at the super 8 motel here, the guy read my note about moving to the area and said they need a front person. He's interested in hiring me! Holy cow that was fast. I said I'd have to get back to him though because honestly I should make sure I can actually get housing first. The good news is that with a motel job, maybe my hours wouldn't have to be the normal 9-5 and then I could work a night or something which would allow me to go to the doctor during the day.

Speaking of doctors- I have an appointment Nov 20.


Taylor said...

So, how did choose Georgetown out of alll of Colorado?

kittywhisprer said...

my boss highly recommended it! too small though. think i'll save it for visits from the sisters