Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Future Plans

I've been searching Craigslist the past couple of days- looking for jobs. In doing so, I realized something. I can't handle a new job at the moment. I can't apply to work with kids due to the chronic coughing fits that I have. No parent wants that. Physically I'm not stable enough to handle jobs that require standing on my feet or a lot of activity. There is a job that I would love to apply for - it has benefits and everything, but medically I can't pass in my current condition. So here is my plan. I will continue to keep an eye on craigslist for odds & ends type jobs. I will focus on my health right now though. Physically getting in shape as well as getting this whole doctor & medication treatment mess under control. At the end of April/May some time - I've been offered by my old job to let me work for about 10 days or so. I don't know what my job situation will be like then, but hey - I'm thinking perfect because I could go home for a visit and it would cover some of the trip expenses. I'm using that as a timeline/deadline to be in top condition so that when I get back - I can apply for job with benefits without worrying about being held back. This way I can get settled in a good, solid, worth-while job. I just hate that it'll make me look like a bum until I can get myself together. In the meantime, I'm going to start researching online writing classes.

Krys flew home today. It started snowing as I left the parking garage at the airport after dropping her off. Go figure. She had really been hoping for snow while she was here.

I don't think I've posted the pics that Shelly took of my place on here. So I'll do that a couple at a time each time I blog.

Taken from the front door. If you look straight back through the kitchen you see the bathroom.

Turning slightly to the left, you can see my messy counter/eating area (counter stools on other side) and a bit of the living room. You can also see the bedroom door and the stairs leading up to the loft. Note: on the wall I have the old "The Cats' Inn" sign hanging on the wall. This was given to me during the change in ownership at my job (they got new signs) and it's been hanging in my kitchen ever since.

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