Saturday, January 26, 2008

The treadmill experience

Well, it turns out that I must've picked up a cold - which is why my cough has been 5x worse than normal. I spent yesterday in bed, which is probably a good thing as I am constantly coughing and when I do - things tend to get a little fuzzy. Okay, a lot fuzzy and a lot of times I'm literally sitting there making my brain tell my hand what the steps are to picking up a kleenex to blow my nose. Or I'll feel my body begin to shake as it tries to stay concious. Good thing I'm not standing or I'd probably end up on the floor again.

Today is better though and tonight I set myself up for a treadmill session. There's a show on tv showing funny superbowl commercials, so while that is recording - I watch it on mute as I listen to my peppy music and walk on my treadmill. I did two 10 minute sessions with a long break in between. All 3 cats came up to join me during the break, but by the time I was ready to start session #2, only Winslow remained. He sat at the top of the stairs and stared at me with horrified eyes as I began my walk. When I started to sing along with the music, he suddenly disappeared. Maybe I should rethink the whole 'open doors during the spring' philosophy...

the view from my back door.

one of the storage units on the balcony.

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