Monday, December 17, 2007

Bad Miss Kitty

This morning I was peacefully sleeping with the boys when I heard a huge ruckus. No, it wasn't Santa coming early. An investigation proved Miss Kitty to be the culprit. You'll understand better once I post pictures, but for now - I will try my best to describe the event. As you all know, I have a fireplace downstairs. Above the fireplace is a mantel. Upstairs there are 3 more mantels. 2 smaller and one rather large one. This past weekend Shelly found a nice big corner desk for me on Craigslist and she & Patrick set it up upstairs. Miss Kitty decided to poke around and must've tried to walk from the top of the desk onto the big mantle - which of course knocked it off the wall. It broke some of the (what's that stuff called? crowning?) that lines the bottom of the wall and the mantle is too heavy for me to put back into place, so that will be something that Krys & I can work on together when she visits. Miss Kitty showed no remorse.

I did get two kitty gifts today which are currently stashed in the car awaiting Christmas. I'm excited, even if the cats aren't. I also managed to get the gifts for my family ready for mail. I just need to go brave the line at the post office now.

Lastly, I went to the doctor today to have the infection in my leg checked out since it's changed so dramatically over the weekend. Cat people, you will understand when I say - it's an abcess! A nasty one too. For those who are not cat owners (although I assume dogs get them too) an abcess is usually like a huge infected pimple that blows up on the cat. Because of the fur, you usually won't notice it until it's really big or bursts. A burst abcess consists of draining puss & blood. Usually hot compresses are the treatment needed and if you go to the vet they'll usually prescribe an anti-biotic to hurry the process and make sure it doesn't get infected. They'll also clean up the area a bit (shave the fur). I wasn't aware that people partake in this glorious experience, but low & behold, I have a disgustingly painful abcess on my leg. I've been given my antibiotics and told to put on the hot wet compresses to get it to explode. Yuck. Glad you read this eh? BTW- a cat getting an abcess is not necessarily from a fight. It just happens, so don't go blame the neighbor cat or your local boarding facility! I also wouldn't recommend opening the wound on your own as it increases the chance of infection...

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