Saturday, December 1, 2007

A Little Creepy

I have a couple of policies.

1) No getting gas after dark
2) No checking my mail after dark

Mainly because I know someone who was raped going up the stairs to her apartment after dark. So today it's raining - soon to be snowing. As a result, it's only 3:15pm and getting dark. Decided to check my mail early. No mail yet, but I froze my toes off walking over there anyway. As I was walking I noticed a figure standing in the bushes by the pool. About 6ft tall, with a backpack. Stood like a teenager although I couldn't see a face. What's creepy is that I had to walk right past this person an they stood there hiding in the bushes the whole time trying not to be noticed by me. I made it obvious that I knew he was there, looking back several times and staring, but still - he hid. I walked back to my place with keys between fingers and I didn't go directly to my door. I'm sure he was probably sneaking over to hang with a friend or something, but still - I'm new here. If something were to happen, no one will notice until they try to collect rent.

I should get some pepper spray.

Last night I was surprised to find myself alone. I left the bedroom in search of my three furry friends and found the boys sleeping in the doorway (??). I went over to them and as if planned, they both rolled onto their backs for belly rubs. I laughed.

Miss Kitty has been super bored today. She can really fling those mice! The boys have been under the covers all day. Winslow on the bed and Waldo next to the bed with the covers hanging over. What? Who says I didn't make the bed?? Okay, no I did - but they like it like that!

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