Thursday, December 20, 2007

Extreme Makover: Home Edition

I was watching Extreme Makeover: Home Edition last Sunday and as the people walked through their new house discovering everything, I realized that I felt exactly the same after Shelly & Patrick left and I had this nicely decorated place.

The abcess burst yesterday. Pretty gross stuff, but at least it'll heal now. My cold (which I caught over the weekend) seems improved too although all the coughing still freaks Miss Kitty out.

I went and saw the Alvin & the Chipmunks movie. SOoooo cute! The chipmunks are anyway. Bad acting with the people though. Especially the guy that played Dave - he just bugged me like crazy. Seeing those animated little chipmunks was worth it though.

Yesterday the washer machine repair guy came. Apparently the cold water wasn't working, which is why it wasn't spinning.

Today I shop for little Christmas stockings for the cats. Of course they're totally unaware of all the holiday excitement (although Waldo does eye the mini tree), but I'm excited to give them their gifts & stockings seeing as that's all I have.

Krys did mail me a birthday/Christmas gift which hasn't arrived yet. It's so funny because every year she tries so hard to surprise me with her gifts, but I always figure them out. This year she was excited that she had finally pulled it off. Now she didn't wrap the gift inside the mailed package, and it's a good thing I asked - so I said I'd just leave the whole thing until Christmas morning. Then we were talking on the phone the other day about mailing packages at the post office and all the questions that they ask and she mentioned that she told him that it's an ipod...

'Krys- did you just tell me what my gift is?'
BIG PAUSE 'Awww man!!! I was so close!'

Now I have no idea how to work an ipod, or even what they do, but I guess I'll spend my Christmas day working on it.

1 comment:

Taylor said...

The kids and I went to see the Chipmunks last weekend. We all loved it! Super-cute!