Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Winter Storm Warning

We're supposed to get another snow storm tonight throughout tomorrow. I need to go out to the bank & post office tomorrow. Crap. Most likely I'll need to go to the pharmacy also and pick up some more antibiotics for the abcess (which while has drained, has a thick very purple and slightly puffy ring around it). I'm really ticked at the renal doctors for doubling my prednisone and ditching me for 3 months as I think that has a lot to do with my slow recovery. I'm not waiting around for them much longer.

had a gallon of milk in the car for 2 days. Don't worry about it going bad. It's been thawing on the counter for the past 4 hours.

I ordered from Petsmart last week. A few items - hip medication for Winsey and such. 7:48am this morning I was awakened by the arrival of one stinken bag of pill pockets. Lovely.

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