Thursday, December 13, 2007

Homey Surroundings

Shelly & Patrick flew in last Monday and it's been a whirlwind of activity ever since. I am soooo glad that they came. Monday, they set up my counter stools, couch, vacuum (and vacuumed) and we went shopping at Target. Tuesday I stayed in while they toured the Coors factory and Wednesday they snowboarded. Today I had an ultra sound done on the calf of my leg due to an odd mass that formed a few weeks ago and seems to have gotten irritated. Hopefully I'll find out the results tomorrow. I'm still recovering from Monday, so I stayed in and slept while Shelly & Patrick when to Walmart with my card and bought a couple of items. They also got me birthday/Christmas combo gifts to help spruce up the place. Right now it's 10pm and they're at Target while I plan to hit the bed soon. They also found a really nice big corner desk for cheap on Craigslist for me, picked it up, and assembled it upstairs and transfered my fax/printer up there. Shelly got a couple of nice lamps and Patrick got a coffee table - which hasn't been set up yet as we're now thinking oval instead of the rectangular shape. The tv has been put onto a nice stand/entertainment thing. Everything just looks so nice! I will definitely try to post pictures soon.

I've gotten so use to their company. It'll be lonely coming back from the airport tomorrow. I'll have to start driving again - Patrick's been doing all this snow driving for me. If I can though, I do plan to stop by the store and get myself a cake.

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