Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I repaired(replaced) it myself!

Today was a warm day. So nice. Tomorrow is suppose to be cold again. I made two trips outside today. The first - I had to go get a new showerhead from Walgreens.

Yesterday's shower came to an adrupt end when the water suddenly turned cold and began to spray up at the ceiling. This of course was a shock to me as I had been daydreaming with conditioner in my hair. I turned off the water, which signaled to the cats that I was supposedly ready to be joined for my escort out of the bathroom. Instead of grabbing my robe and stepping out though, I now stood in the bathtub with a confused look on my face as I stared first at the showerhead and then the tiny bathroom sink. Miss Kitty also glanced back and forth between me and the bathroom sink in confusion before turning around and heading back out. I tried the water in the tub again only to find more oddly sprayed cold water and had no choice but to bend over and try my best to rinse my hair in the sink.

I later decided to get a closer look at the showerhead and discovered that it fell into my hand at touch. The plastic had completely snapped. So first thing this morning I headed to Walgreens and bought the only showerhead available. I screwed it in when I returned home and walah! A nice hot shower was produced. The spray on this head is wonderful, so much stronger!

Shelly left me a message earlier saying that she got some info for me on disability. I've been so distracted with the insurance mess that I completely forgot about disability. That could be a life saver for me as I literally am unable to get a job at the moment. However, I don't know how this all works so it still needs investigation.


Taylor said...

Such a sense of accomplishment when you fix something. That's Cash's new saying, 'No mama, I do it all by myself!'

Good Job!

Taylor said...

Fun tidbit, I am reading a book with a girl named Lauri in it and there was also brief mention of a character named Marika...

kittywhisprer said...

how cool is that? lol, we're in a book :)